The sad thing is that there are more pedophiles within Kingdom Halls than anyone can imagine. The Watchtower's own policies suggest that the elders should always give the pedophile the advantage. Somehow, nothing a young child says is ever given any credibility, while a dirty old man who has already been accused by others of "messing with their kids" is given chance after chance. That's why they call a Kingdom Hall a "pedophile paradise."
This is serious stuff. This is where empathy come into play. Imagine you are an 8-year old kid who just had "Brother Jones" stick his thumb up your bum. How do you process something like that? How do you tell your parents? Can you even talk to the elders without telling your parents first? It's embarrassing and you are ashamed. If you are a little boy, how do you tell your single mom what Brother Jones did - especially if she has been seeing him socially while looking for a new father for you? If you are a little girl, how do you tell your father what that kindly elder did after he put his hand up your dress?
This is the part that those of us who were fortunate enough to have never been messed with as kids can't seem to understand. As a little boy of 7 or 8, I didn't even want my mom to see me naked getting in the bathtub. I couldn't discuss the process of human sexuality with my father - even as an adult. So how does a little child get up the nerve - or find a way to describe their distress - after being fondled by Elder Jones?
That is why so many parents have no idea of what their kids go through when left in the care of another JW adult. The Watchtower knows that and uses the "two witness" rule to make it even more difficult for a little child to explain what happened. Who else was there when the TMS Servant tickled her crotch?
I know for a fact that my father would have dealt harshly with anyone who harmed me or my siblings - no matter whether they were JWs or not. At the same time, I also know that if I ever came home from service and told my father that faithful old Brother Hootsis (who was an elder at his last Kingdom Hall before he mysteriously showed up at ours one day) "unzipped my pants and played with my peepee" - that I would likely get a harsh spanking and sent to bed without dinner for "telling such a horrible lie" about another Jehovah's Witness brother.
This is even more complicated when one of the child's parents is the molester.
That's why it is imperative that the Watchtower change their policies once and for all by emphatically insisting that any report of a child being abused by anyone in the congregation should be brought to the attention of the authorities. Having been in law enforcement myself for a few years, I know that just because a report is made does not mean that anyone will be arrested or even charged. Police are trained to take the report and in the absence of any hard evidence (bruises, injuries, etc.) will often refer the case to Child Protection Services. Those professionals can usually determine if a child is lying or is confused about what might have happened to them and deal with each case accordingly. They also know what clues to watch for that indicate when a child has been bothered by a pedophile. "Brother Fungus told me that he would buy me ice cream if I would let him rub my back and kiss me on the ear..."
Elders and rank & file JWs are simply not equipped or trained to deal with these situations. At the same time, they should have their eyes and ears open for any signs of improper or unusual behavior by any of the members of their Hall. They should be especially watchful for clues that something is wrong - for example a seemingly normal JW child suddenly withdraws or acts afraid of others, even in the presence of a parent.
Elders are not policemen, judges, doctors, psychologists, or even teachers. They are enforcers of Watchtower policies and unpaid managers. That is why they need to understand that they should step back and get civil/secular professionals involved whenever there is any suspicion that a child may be in danger.